Few Reasons Why You Choose Us. Protect Youself
Same-Day Delivery
Schedule a pickup before 2 PM and have your parcel delivered on the same day. Our efficient and reliable same-day delivery service ensures your urgent shipments reach their destination promptly. We understand the importance of time-sensitive deliveries and guarantee speed without compromising on safety and reliability.
Dedicated Point of Contact
A dedicated team will manage your parcels, providing personalized and attentive service. Our dedicated point of contact ensures that you have a reliable partner who understands your specific needs and preferences. This team will oversee your shipments, handle any issues promptly, and keep you informed at every step, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free delivery experience.
Monthly Audit Reports
Stay informed with our detailed monthly audit reports that cover payments, returns, and delivery statistics. Our Key Account Manager (KAM) will provide these comprehensive reports, giving you valuable insights into your business operations. This transparency allows you to track performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance your delivery processes and overall business strategy.
24-Hour Instant Payments
Receive 100% of your payments instantly, within 24 hours of delivery. Our transparent and efficient payment system ensures that you have access to your funds quickly, aiding in better cash flow management. Our Key Account Manager (KAM) will provide a comprehensive monthly audit report, offering detailed insights into your deliveries and payments, ensuring complete transparency and accountability.
Verified Returns
We make 3-4 delivery attempts to ensure that returns are minimized and are only made for legitimate reasons. Our rigorous return verification process ensures that your parcels are not returned due to fake or frivolous reasons. We treat our riders with respect, avoiding overloading them, which enhances their efficiency and morale. Our riders are incentivized with bonuses for achieving 100% delivery success, ensuring they are motivated to deliver your parcels with utmost care and diligence.
Inventory Management
Store your parcels at our state-of-the-art warehouses and take advantage of our fast delivery services. Our inventory management solutions are designed to streamline your operations, from storage to dispatch. We handle the packaging, labeling, and dispatching, allowing you to focus on your core business activities. Our secure and organized warehousing ensures your products are always ready for swift delivery.
Zero Mile to Last Mile Delivery
From picking up shipments at your location to delivering them to your customer's doorstep, Delivery X offers a comprehensive and seamless one-window solution. Our zero mile to last mile delivery service ensures that every step of the delivery process is handled with precision and professionalism. We manage everything from initial pickup, transportation to our warehouse, sorting, and final delivery, ensuring a streamlined and efficient delivery experience for you and your customers.